Single Seat Globe Valves
2F.. series valves
Please select model in catalogue
A125-2 flanges with ANSI 125 bolt holes (for 2FGA DN25,32,50,65 and 2FGB DN25÷150 valves)
A150-2 flanges with ANSI 150 bolt holes (for 2FAA DN32÷65 and 2FSA DN50÷65 valves)
A300-2 flanges with ANSI 300 bolt holes (for 2FSA DN25÷65 and 2FAA DN15,32,40,50,65 valves)
PS89 grooved valves to which it is possible to add the relating joint not supplied with the product. General dimensions remain the same. Joint and pipe dimensions are shown in the “Dimensions” paragraph.
248 stem heater for applications on -10°C low temperature fluid with MVH and MVE actuators
GVB40 thermal insulation for DN40 for 2FGB40 valves;
GVB50 thermal insulation for DN50 for 2FGB50 valves;
GVB65 thermal insulation for DN65 for 2FGB65 valves;
GVB80 thermal insulation for DN80 for 2FGB80 valves;
GVB100 thermal insulation for DN100 for 2FGB100 valves;
GVB125 thermal insulation for DN125 for 2FGB125 valves;
GVB150 thermal insulation for DN150 for 2FGB150 valves.
2FGB = 200kPa
2FGA =600kPa
2FSA = 800kPa
2FAA/2FAAP/2FAAT = 1200kPa